Sunday, June 5, 2016

Tale from Surabaya (Indonesia), entitled Origins of Surabaya

Formerly in the vast sea of ​​frequent fights between shark named Sura with crocodiles. They fight over a snatch prey. Both are equally strong, agile, cunning, vicious and greedy. Already many times they fight no one has ever won and lost. Finally they mengadaka deal.

"I'm tired of constantly fighting, Crocodile" said Sura. "Me too, Sura. What must we do so that we are no longer fighting?" Crocodile asked. Sura which already has a plan to stop the fights with crocodile immediately explained.

"To prevent a fight between us, we should divide the territory into 2. I was in complete control in the water and had to find prey in the water, while you power on the mainland and prey must be located on the mainland. As the boundary between land and water, we set namely a limit reached by seawater during the ups and downs! ".

"Well I agree with your idea of ​​it!" Crocodile said. With the division of powers, it is no longer a fight between Sura and Crocodile. Both have agreed to honor their respective territories.

But one day, looking for prey in the river Sura. This was done secretly so as Crocodiles do not know. At first it did not get caught. But one day the Crocodile caught Sura deeds.

Of course, very angry crocodile. see Sura broke his promise. "Hi Sura why do you break the rules we agreed together? Why do you dare to enter the river which is my territory?" Crocodile asked. Sura who do not feel guilty calm.

"I broke the deal? Is not this river water. The river is right there is water, so also including the area of ​​my power" Sura said. "What ?" The river was the place on the ground, while in the sea area kekuasaaanmu mean the river is an area of ​​my power! "Answered the Crocodile.

"I can not. I'm not ever tell you that in water only at sea but also the river water" said Sura. "You deliberately messed Sura ya?" "No! I think the reason is quite strong and I was in the right!" Sura said.

You deliberately palming. I'm not as stupid as you think! Crocodile said getting angry. "I do not care if you're dumb or smart significant river water and sea ir is my power!" Sura still do not want to lose. "Then you memamng intend to lie to me? Thus our deal's off! Who has the greatest strength he would be the sole ruler!" Crocodile said.

"Fighting again, who's afraid!" Sura arrogantly challenged. A fierce fight between Sura and Crocodile happen again. The fight this time more powerful and exciting. Mutual crashing and pounced, biting and hitting each other. In no time the water around it becomes red with blood from the wounds of the two animals. They continued to fight tooth and nail with no rest at all.

In this fight, Crocodile got a bite Sura at the base of the tail to the right. Furthermore ekorya was forced always turned left. While Sura also bitten tail until almost severed and Sura returns to the ocean. Crocodiles are satisfied has been able to maintain the area.

Bout two of these animals is very memorable in the hearts of the people of Surabaya. Therefore, the name of Surabaya always been associated with this incident. From this incident then made the symbol of the city of Surabaya with a picture of the shark Sura and Crocodile.

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