Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Types Frequently Encountered Students On Campus

Campus is also used to gain knowledge is also used as a hangout of students. There are students who are mediocre and some even unique. The student must have often found where the campus is located. The types of students were as follows:

1. Type Students The Dreamer
==> The student type often found on campus and have a life motto "Dream highest" and this type always sit in the back when the lesson is in progress.

2. Type Students The Question Qrusher
==> Type These students love to ask questions, although sometimes that is not too important. These students are eager to seek an explanation of lectures to the faculty to if questions can not be answered by the lecturer, the students are always grilling questions.

3. The Student Type GO GO Gadgets
==> Type of these students must always carry a gadget or smartphone more than two, for example such as HP, tablet, laptop. And surely this student goal brings more gadgets than 2 just to show it off to friends.

4. Type Students The Activist
==> Type of students are always active in various activities both on campus and off-campus organizations. Their priority is Keeping existence in the organization and the exclusion of university academia.

5. Type Students The Wifi Hunter
==> Type of students are always carrying a laptop every day where they have been installed IDM laptop or Torrent to download large files.

6. Type Students The Movie Freak
==> Type of these students are tenants film runs and is very compact with students the type of Wifi Hunter.

7. Type of Student The Trensdsetter
==> Type of students are always the center of attention on campus. Usually students are always the latest fashion updates earlier than the other friends, strange stylish and fashionable.

8. Type of Student The Couple
==> Type is most diligent students to campus between types of other students. The main objectives to campus and just want to meet a lover.

9. Type The Gamers Students
==> Type of these students often gather with fellow gamers to talk about the latest games. Students are always steal time faculty teaching time to play games on the gadget.

10. The Gossip Girl Student Type
==> Type is most crowded student in the class. Likes to make a scene, laughs loudest, and often make noise in the classroom.

11. Type of Student The Musician
==> Type of students are always bring the "ultimate weapon" they like guitar, harmonica, and others. Students have always been an idol and generally liked by other students on campus.

12. The borrower Student Type==> Type of these students do not capitalize anything. Rarely carries stationery and bags. Usually they are fun.

13. Type of Student The Collector==> Type is most diligent students to campus and aims to suss out a record high value of each course taken.

14. Type of Student Veteran
==> Type is often considered student faculty and new students because of the look and style of the old seem far from being fashion.

15. The Student Type Hollowman
==> Type is the most foreign students on campus and just go for the exams only. Even friends and professors do not recognize them

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