Saturday, January 9, 2016

Tutorial Installation Packet Tracer 6.0.1

Hi Brada and sista ....

This time I want to share a tutorial using packet tracer.

What the packet tracer?

This is the answer:

 The introduction of Cisco Packet Tracer1. Understanding Cisco Packet Tracer
Packet Tracer is a simulator Cisco network tools that are often used as a medium of learning and training, and also in the field of computer network simulation research. The program was created by Cisco Systems and is provided free of charge to faculty, students and alumni who have participated in the Cisco Networking Academy. Packet Tracer main objective is to provide a tool for students and teachers to understand the principles of computer networks and also build skills in the field of Cisco networking equipment. Here is the initial view Cisco Packet Tracer:
Initial View Cisco Packet Tracer2. Feature Packet TracerPacket Tracer latest version 6. In this version can simulate Application Layer protocols, basic Routing RIP, OSPF, and EIGRP, up to the level required in the CCNA curriculum applicable, so that when viewed at a glance This software aims to CCNA classes. Taget Packet Tracer network simulation that provides a real, but there are some limitations such as the removal of some of the commands used in the original instrument, namely a reduction in the Cisco IOS command. Packet Tracer and also can not be used to model the productive network / active. Since the release of version 5.3, several features were added, including BGP features. BGP does not include the CCNA curriculum, but including the CCNP curriculum.3. Used in EducationPacket Tracer is usually used Cisco Networking Academy students through the certification Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA). Due to restrictions on some of its features, the software is used only as a learning tool, not a substitute seabagai Cisco routers and switches.Packet Tracer is a Cisco application output as well as a simulator for assembling and configuring a network (network). As with other network simulators such as GNS3, Dynamips, Dynagen or other simulator is specifically used in network simulation.The simulator is not much different from the Packet Tracer, but ease the Packet Tracer simulator better than the above, it can be seen from the placement of the device and the network when the network device configuration. This application is very practical use for designing the network topology we want, accompanied by a variety of network devices are required in an area network such as routers, switches, hubs and other devices.With the support of many of these devices will help us in determining the type of network devices that will be used on the topology we want. Packet Tracer application can be installed on a PC or laptop with low specification so it does not depend on the specifics of the well though
The introduction of User InterfaceHere are the views and information window Application Packet Tracer3. Specific Device Type4. Device Category5. Bar Simulation / Realtime6. Public & Drawing Tool bar7. Workspace / Work Area8. Logical / Physical Workspace

Home on the Cisco Packet Tracer
Information:1. Menu BarThis section provides a File, Options, and Help Menu. You'll find basic commands such as opening, saving, printing, and options in this menu. You can also access the activity wizard from the File Menu.

2. Tool bar MainThis section provides a shortcut icon to the File Menu, includes Activity wizard. On the right side, you will find also the Network Information button that you can use to enter a description for the network that now exists in the Workspace.3. Tool bar Public & DrawingThis section provides access to this, usually using Workspace tools: Select, move objects in the Workspace, add notes, Delete, Add Simple PDU, and the PDU Adding Complex.4. Logical / Physical WorkspaceTo select a logical or Physical Workspace.5. Workspace / Work AreaThe work area to place a variety of network design.6. Bar Simulation / RealtimeTo view a simulation of the network and packet network in realtime.7. Device CategoryCategory of network devices that can be used to design the network.8. Specific Device TypeSpecific devices by category.
Introduction of Device & Connections1. Device
Types of Devices on a Cisco Packet TracerIn Packet Tracer, there are several categories of devices that we can use. Each device has a diverse kind. The following categories of devices that exist in the Packet Tracer:a. routersVarious types of routers mainly Cisco router.b. switchesVarious types of switches.c. hubsVarious types Hub.d. wireless DevicessWireless network devices.e. ConnectionsVarious types of connectors (cable) network.f. end DevicesA wide variety of devices used by users.g. WAN EmulationEmulation for Internet Area.h. Custom Made DeviceDevice is compiled from different modules.i. Multi User ConnectionEmulation for network usage on multi-user session, for example, a remote user Connection.
2. ConnectionsThere are several types of Connections that can be used in Packet Tracer, namely: Automatic, Console, Straigh-Through, Cross-Over, Fiber, Phone, Coaxial, etc. The types of connecting cables is determined by the following rules:a. To connect the different equipment, use cable Straight-through:Router - SwitchRouter - HubPC - SwitchPC - Hubb. To connect the same equipment, use wires Cross-Over:Router - RouterRouter - PCSwitch - SwitchSwitch - Hub

Packet Tracer is a network simulation software. Before doing the actual network configuration (activating the function of each hardware device) first performed the simulation using this software. Simulation is very useful when creating a complex network, but only have limited physical component.Connect each device with the appropriate cable.To create a network configuration, for starters, should be determined first type of device used, how many and how the shape of the network configuration on newsprint.The types of connecting cables is determined by the following rules:To connect the different equipment, use cable Straight-through:Router - SwitchRouter - HubPC - SwitchPC - HubTo connect the same equipment, use wires Cross-Over:Router - RouterRouter - PCSwitch - SwitchSwitch - HubTo configure the router via a PC using the cable Roll-OverThe configuration of each deviceThe configuration process is an important part in the composition of the network. The configuration process on each device is required to activate the function of the device. The configuration process includes providing the IP address and subnet mask on device interfaces (on the Router, PC or Server), giving Routing Table (the Router), labeling the name and so on.After the configuration process is done, the red dots mark the cables connected to the device, it turns green. There are two configuration modes that can be done: GUI mode (Config mode) and mode CLI (Command Line Interface).Example configuration with GUI modeClick the device to be configured. Select the Config menu. Click on the desired interface. Fill in the IP address and subnet mask of his. Do the same for the interfaces and other devices.Simulation of Computer Networks with Cisco Packet Tracer applicationCurrently, many branches of computer science, among others Software Engineering (software engineering), smart business System, System Information, and do not forget about the science of computer networks. Among the branches of the above, the most commonly heard these days is the computer network.In a computer network is much to be learned, among other things on the Internet, TCP / IP, HTTP, network security, network multimedia, network simulation and many sub-sub knowledge that must be learned. But the basis is how we understand about basic computer network itself, for that we not only read theory alone, we also have to practice in the field to understand.But how much it costs very much if we want to practice a computer network (albeit simple), therefore, Cisco as a leading company in the field of network launches an application that is very helpful for those of us who want to simulate computer network, namely the Cisco Packet Tracer ,Packet Tracer is a software that can be used to perform network simulation. To obtain this software is very easy, because we can get for free from the internet. We can directly download here I will discusses about a little tutorial on creating a network, then to the download and installation (very easy) I need not explain. Okay we just headed tutorial.

Click Start -> Programs -> Packet Tracer
Or click the icon on the desktop
Here is a look at his worksheet.

To add a device to the work area, then do the following steps
Select one of the devices that will be added by clicking the icon
Choose one type of device to be added with the click and drag or click on one icon and then click on the work area.
Okay, here we will simulate a network simple, just take the example of a cafe with a 1 router, 1 hub with 9 PC client.Here we immediately Define beforehand how IP to each PC.PC Name IP Address Subnet Mask Default GatewayRouter1

Create a network such as the following figure, because the default contents of a hub slot is 6, we'll add it to 10 by dragging a module in the lower right corner to the slot hub.

Immediately, we began to configure all devicenya. For the first time we Router1 configuration. Click the tab config, we enter the IP address and its mask in accordance with the table.

For the hub no configuration, because it is used as an intermediary.

Now we configurations for all its clients.

Here's how to configure PC-0 (also use this method to other PCs)
Double click gambara his PC, then select the config tab, then select the setting, the content gateway in accordance with the table, then select FastEthernet and enter the IP addresses and the mask in accordance with the table.

Once you have configured all of them. We will test them, whether the network that we make are correct or not. The trick is to use the Ping facility at each PC.

Double-click any PC, kemuadian select the Desktop tab, and then select Command Prompt. Then we type the command ping [space] IP destination

If there is a reply, then it is connected with the IP destination, use this facility to check the entire IP

If you already reply all, then your network is correct and ready for use :)
With the sort of simulation software packet tracer, then it makes it easier to put into practice the theories that we can. We just need to install software, no need to buy peripheral devices that we need. And this software is also commonly used for network experts before deploying a corporate network or instansa-related agencies.

This tutorial for the installation packet tracer:

1.) Packet tracer packet tracer which I'm using version 6.0.1. You are free to download the latest version

2.) Furthermore, I accept the agreement and then click Next

3.)  Select the file directory where the files to be stored and then next

4.) Name the shortcut program

5.)  Mark create a desktop icon

6.) Click install

7.) Wait until the install went perfect or complete


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