Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Location Good For Pool

Is an incorrect layout according to Fengshui could be detrimental to the residents? And how clues to the location of the fish pond and the pool is good?

Please note that the elements of wind and water is a natural element that moves to live without having to depend on a factor other elements. For example, the fire could live if there is supply him like timber and oil. Therefore, the science of ancient Chinese architecture using the name Fengshui wind and water as the predicate that we will realize how important the two elements that fill our living space layout as supporting profitable if located properly arranged.

Conversely, if would be a barrier if the composition was wrong. Based on the concept of Fengshui is a harmony relationship means that all the elements of nature and its inhabitants should be harmonized with the natural magnetic field. The water contained in the pool is a living element that when placed in a magnetic field opposed areas will certainly have an impact on the lives and the people around him.

Water will be friendly to the northwest and west position the metal element and the most excellent in the east and southeast positions berunsur wood so it could happen that a good growth of life sustenance. Instead most abstinence is located on the south side of the element of fire and the northeast, central and southwest yag element soil. Semenatara location of the pool on the south side and the middle of the most inviting trouble and pain in the lives of their owners and therefore should be avoided.

The layout is a good pool will certainly redound to the benefit and the wrong location would have to be detrimental to the health of the financial as well as residents. But for issues of infidelity, to my knowledge not the main factor for an incorrect position.

Seputar Tips Sederhana

****Soda Kue Membersihkan Loyang Gosong****

Ketika kita membuat kue, terkadang ada bagian yang gosong menyebabkan loyang kotor dan jadi berkerak. Membersihkannya cukup sulit. Jika mengalami hal ini jangan khawatir karena dapat diatasi dengan dengan resep sederhana ini. Yaitu
1. Siapkan air panas secukupnya
2. Tambahkan 1 sendok soda kue
3. Lalu aduk rata dan tuangkan ke dalam loyang tersebut
4. Diamkan sekitar 5 menit kemudian angkat dan bersihkan bagian loyang kotor tersebut.
5. Dijamin kue yang menempel akan mudah dibersihkan  dan loyang jadi bersih kembali.

^^^^Merica Dapat Mengusir Serangga^^^^

Anda sering menjumpai serangga seperti kecoa dan semut di dalam lemari makanan. Tentu hal itu sangat menjijikkan dan membuat makanan anda menjadi tidak higienis. Tak perlu khawatir, ada cara ampuh untuk mengatasinya. Yaitu
1. Ambil 1 sendok makan merica bubuk
2. Kemudian campurkan dengan air hingga rata
3. Oleskan campuran tersebut ke dalam rak-rak lemari makanan dengan kuas kecil
4. Biarkan hingga kering
5. Serangga tidak akan berani mendekati makanan yang anda simpan di lemari makanan tersebut

_-_-Tepung Kanji Cegah Biang Keringat Pada Bayi_-_-

Di musim panas, umumnya bayi mudah terkena biang keringat. Kalau sudah begitu bayi akan gelisah karena rasanya pedih dan gatal. Tetapi ada beberapa cara mencegahnya. Yaitu
 1. Siapkan 3 sendok teh tepung kanji
2. Campur sedikit air hingga rata
3. Balurkan campuran ini ke seluruh tubuh bayi
4. Baluran ini akan menyebabkan tubuh bayi teraa dingin
5. Lakukan rutin setelah bayi makan siang dan mandi
6. Dijamin bayi anda akan terhindar dari biang keringat

<<<<Agar Sayuran Tetap Segar>>>>

Biasanya untuk menjaga sayuran tetap segar sebelum dimasak kita memasukannya ke dalam lemari pendingin. Namun jika kebetulan di tempat tinggal anda tidak ada kulkas, maka ada cara agar tetap segar. Yaitu
1. Siangi dahulu sayuran tersebut
2. Kemudian cuci bersih
3. Bungkus dengan selembar koran dan masukkan ke dalam kantong plastik
4. Letakkan sayuran yang sudah dikemas di tempat sejuk Dijamin sayuran akan selalu segar.

Overcoming Laptop Overheating

Overheating occurs commonly in laptops that are too old to use. Of course, these conditions have an impact on the performance of the laptop, so it needs to be addressed, this quick handling in order not to cause more severe damage.

Overheating may cause other problems such as the screen suddenly dies and slow applications. Generally occurs due to lack of ventilation or dust is clogging the vent so the air to cool the CPU is inhibited.

To deal with them can do miraculous steps:

1. Go Heat Sources
==> The first thing before solve the overheating problem is to find out the source of heat. Heat can disebbakan for cooling damaged or not functioning properly. So the solution is to replace the fan or clean enough.

If the heat comes from the HDD, note the use of RAM. Immediately upgrade the RAM when it is overloaded. But if the heat due to the abundance of stored data, it is necessary to manage the data.

Sources of sites suggested that the user take advantage of the Windows Task Manager to see the data intensive. Then use autoruns to see all of the startup process. The order of the process can be changed as needed.

The goal is to balance processor load. To check the temperature of the laptop, open core temp for windows and do the settings on the menu overheat protection. Then adjust the temperature to make the computer sleep, hibernate or shutdown.

To prevent the buildup of dust on the vents, open the laptop and clean the dust attached dust especially in the cooler. Use a soft brush to clean it.

2. Use of Batteries
==> Due to the batteries and generally people fill up to full power but not necessarily used .. Although the laptop is turned off, a fully charged battery is able to generate heat. So to avoid this, remove the battery when not in use.

3. Compresed Air Cleaner
==> According sites to avoid such problems may utilize compresed Air Cleaner. Spray the cleaner on a laptop ventilation.

4. How Laying
==> Note also the use. Sometimes people use on pillows, bedding or blankets. Though the uneven surface can cover the cooling fan on the laptop so it tends to be hot. Then you should place the laptop on a flat table so that the heat from the laptop can exit.

5. Use Cooling Pad
==> Using pending external fan. Use these tools so that the temperature around the laptop cooler. In addition, the user should use a laptop at a cool temperature. With good care and use of the laptops are guaranteed to be durable or durable.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Site That Can Eliminate Unnecessary But Boredom

Every human being must never experienced such thing as boredom. Various methods are used to overcome the tedium of it. One of them by browsing the various websites.
These sites have their respective advantages in relieving boredom. The following site-site:

1. Solve bubble==> There are deceptively simple in sites. However, if like bubble-bursting such as Bubble Wrap maybe this site will be fun. There Maniac Mode which when enabled bubble will burst when the mouse is directed. Fractional bubble voice was also heard.

2. Play Ball In The Water==> If you like these can visit the website WebGL Water ( and here can set the ball to move anywhere. This site is pretty cool because the waves of the ball being dropped look very real and can also adjust the brightness.
3. Play Ball==> In this site we can play more balls and and move it anywhere. This website And to add a ball just click in an empty area. Besides interfaces ball can also be changed by double-clicking on the ball.

4. Drawing Light==> The site could be used to draw a variety of light irregularly. Here can also change the color of the light and shape. This site also provides a save button so the results can be saved following website:

5. Become a Hacker==> Want to like Hacker? HackerTyper place. This website and to run only need to press a variety of keyboard keys. Once pressed, the writing coding / source code in screen will appear automatically.
6. Drawing In Sand==> Want to draw with sand media? Pretty easy to visit the site ThisIsSand ( we are able to draw in the sand and sand color can also be changed according to taste.
7. Slamming the door==> Trip to slam the door without having to fear being scolded others. Doors can also dibangting to the left or to the right. This website
8. Rest For 2 Minutes==> Make your site visitors do not move your mouse or keyboard for 2 minutes and will hear the sound of the waves will not make bored. Visit
9. Sounds Rain and Cafe==> This site can make a sound of rain. Can adjust the volume to match the volume of sound when in telinga.Dan available in the cafe (
10. Creating Hope==> Remember when creating expectations when the stars fall? Here it can be dropped bintgang by creating expectations (

8 Motorcycle Most Expensive in Indonesia

Everyone must have this vehicle. Inevitably semual layers start from the bottom to the top has a motor is of the usual or reasonable suah as a means of transportation.

From some motorcycles are priced at an affordable price there is a special segment that longing mounts at exorbitant prices. This is called "Motorcycle Dream" which can only be owned by certain circles.

This motor status as imports and only some of the famous brands. High taxes and other costs make these price soared.

Just a hobby, passion da money can beat and have "Motorcycle Dream" is. Otomania record multiple brands of motor who has a very high price, among others, Ducati, BMW, Kawasaki, and Yamaha.

Here are some lists of these motors are:

1. Ducati Panigale R.

==> The motor that can be said is expensive in Indonesia at a price of Rp 1,799 billion, not to mention the tax and others could reach USD 2 billion. This bike is very special because the specifications of motor racing in WSBK.

2. Ducati Monster 1200 R Red / Black

==> Motor terbuas owned Ducati. With the price of Rp 999 million this engine has more power and torque is great enough and equipped with the latest technology.

3. BMW K1600 GT
==> BMW Motorrad motorcycles in Indonesia only sells only one unit and is already sold in IIMS 2016 for sale at a price of Rp 980 million.

4. Ducati Multistrada 1200 S Pikes Peak
==> Motor Ducati's most advanced cruiser. With the price of Rp 899 million models have 3 types ie Enduro, Multistrada S Red and Red and the cost is still sold in the range of USD 699 million.

5. Ducati Diavel Carbon
==> For sale at a price of Rp 869 million, this motor has a power of 162 tk of the engine and coupled with a very light body karbonfiber. These motors are very rare because it is not produced much.

6. BMW S 1000 RR
==> For sale at a price of Rp 699 million, iconic motorcycle superbike and whereabouts immediately appear parallel to 1000cc bikes from Europe and Japan. This motor becomes the target in Europe.

7. Kawasaki H2
==> For sale at a price of Rp 660 million, its presence is quite phenomenal and using technology Turbocharge.

8. Yamaha R1M
==> For sale at a price of Rp 645 million. Sales are quite successful and sold out in 2015 ago. This is the fastest Yamaha motorcycles in the world.

++ Whatever the reason nothing can beat a hobby if you want to have a motor bike as above ++

The Terrible Mental Disorder

Psychiatric disorders and psychiatric problems is a disease and most of them can be cured and with through therapy. But there are some mental illness bump in the night and strange ...

There are four mental illness is very strange and terrible, cited Daily Medical namely:

1. Capgras Syndrome
==> It is a psychiatric disorder that is very rare and strange. This disease makes one believe that the people closest replaced by others. These problems can be temporary or even a lifetime depending on severity. Resulting in patients feel anxious and uncomfortable, and worried because he felt someone close is not there anymore.

The case examples occur in women aged 74 years in the USA. In 1991, the woman said her husband has changed, and the figure has been replaced by others. The woman then locked his room and threatened to kill her own husband, and finally the police intervene and put her to the Psychiatric Hospital.

The psychiatric experts have yet to find the exact cause. But found no damaged part of the brain that serves to recognize a person's face. Factors that cause is also not sure but with the stroke, drug overdoses could increase the occurrence of this disease. This disease occurs in people who suffer from schizophrenia and neurodegenrative.

2. Autophagia
==> Almost the same as cannibalism. Only difference if cannibalism takes another person's body unlike the case with this disease that takes limb itself.

Examples The case occurred in men aged 66 years in the USA. Initially patients had insomnia that led to harm herself and eventually takes his own body. The man had mutilated his fingers for 6 years until exhausted.

These patients can improve their condition by way of anti-depressant medication and anti-psychotics. The disease is suspected symptoms of early penyait ie Lesch Nyhan Syndrome.

3. Cotard Delusion
==> Other names are zombie syndrome (walking corpse). This disease makes a person feel he is dead while still physically strong and healthy.

Examples The case occurred in a patient's former named Esme Weijun Wang wrote his personal history against the disease. He felt that he was dead and sent as hell as punishment.

The disease's name is taken from a doctor named Dr. Jules Cotard (French nerve specialist who discovered this disease). This disease is still mysterious cause. Experts found that excessive drug use until the nerve neuron disorder in the brain.

4. Identify Body Integrity Disorder
==> Have another name amputee Syndrome which makes the disease that makes people believe he is a disability or handicap. It could be said that the actual limbs amputated because sehatr still not Sesua with disabilities conditions.

Examples The case occurred in Jewel Shuping Barcroft TV when interviewed he said that he was blind and had no penglihatan.Akhirnya she poured bleach into her own eyes that he was blind.

In 2000 there was the Scottish doctor to amputate the leg 2 patients with this disease. Although there is no interference on their feet but they felt that his legs felt nothing. The action taken by the doctor drew criticism from around the world of international medicine

Types Frequently Encountered Students On Campus

Campus is also used to gain knowledge is also used as a hangout of students. There are students who are mediocre and some even unique. The student must have often found where the campus is located. The types of students were as follows:

1. Type Students The Dreamer
==> The student type often found on campus and have a life motto "Dream highest" and this type always sit in the back when the lesson is in progress.

2. Type Students The Question Qrusher
==> Type These students love to ask questions, although sometimes that is not too important. These students are eager to seek an explanation of lectures to the faculty to if questions can not be answered by the lecturer, the students are always grilling questions.

3. The Student Type GO GO Gadgets
==> Type of these students must always carry a gadget or smartphone more than two, for example such as HP, tablet, laptop. And surely this student goal brings more gadgets than 2 just to show it off to friends.

4. Type Students The Activist
==> Type of students are always active in various activities both on campus and off-campus organizations. Their priority is Keeping existence in the organization and the exclusion of university academia.

5. Type Students The Wifi Hunter
==> Type of students are always carrying a laptop every day where they have been installed IDM laptop or Torrent to download large files.

6. Type Students The Movie Freak
==> Type of these students are tenants film runs and is very compact with students the type of Wifi Hunter.

7. Type of Student The Trensdsetter
==> Type of students are always the center of attention on campus. Usually students are always the latest fashion updates earlier than the other friends, strange stylish and fashionable.

8. Type of Student The Couple
==> Type is most diligent students to campus between types of other students. The main objectives to campus and just want to meet a lover.

9. Type The Gamers Students
==> Type of these students often gather with fellow gamers to talk about the latest games. Students are always steal time faculty teaching time to play games on the gadget.

10. The Gossip Girl Student Type
==> Type is most crowded student in the class. Likes to make a scene, laughs loudest, and often make noise in the classroom.

11. Type of Student The Musician
==> Type of students are always bring the "ultimate weapon" they like guitar, harmonica, and others. Students have always been an idol and generally liked by other students on campus.

12. The borrower Student Type==> Type of these students do not capitalize anything. Rarely carries stationery and bags. Usually they are fun.

13. Type of Student The Collector==> Type is most diligent students to campus and aims to suss out a record high value of each course taken.

14. Type of Student Veteran
==> Type is often considered student faculty and new students because of the look and style of the old seem far from being fashion.

15. The Student Type Hollowman
==> Type is the most foreign students on campus and just go for the exams only. Even friends and professors do not recognize them